Let’s get started :)
Ashtanga yoga is taught individually as we all are different when it comes to mental, physical and emotional abilities.
In the beginning, the Ashtanga Yoga session is for approximately 40-45 minutes, teaching the basics of breathing and movement. Later, the practice extends as more number of asanas are added.
With the added asanas, we start building more flexibility, strength and stamina, which prepares our body to breath more deeply and comfortably while also increasing the focus, which helps to balance the mind body connection.
Some Frequently Asked Questions
Who can practice Ashtanga Yoga?
Anyone can practice. Young man can practice. Old man can practice. Very old man can practice. Man who is sick, he can practice. Man who doesn't have strength can practice. Except lazy people; lazy people can't practice Ashtanga yoga- Sri K Pattabhi Jois.
Do I need a teacher to learn Ashtanga Yoga?
Resources such as books or videos are beneficial but the student should always learn directly from an experienced teacher as each one of us are different when it comes to body type and mental grasping. Teacher will help students to understand the postures while correcting and assisting them physically and verbally to align their body properly while also paying attention towards their breathing pattern.
What should I do before coming to the class?
To practice comfortably, one should empty their bladder, clear their bowels and take a shower before starting the practice.
We always practice with an empty stomach. In case practising in the afternoon or evening please allow 3-4 hrs gap after a meal.
What should I wear for a yoga class?
Breathable clothes like cotton which will support you in every twist and turns to feel comfortable throughout the practice.
What is the right time to practice in a day?
The best time to start the practice is early in the morning when the mind is calm and air is pure. In case morning is not suitable then during sunset is also good. It is recommended to have a consistent practice following the same time everyday.
Which place is suitable to practice yoga at home?
When doing your home practice, find a room which is clean from dust and distractions. Which has a little ventilation and dim lights. The room which is ideal for meditation is ideal for Ashtanga practice with a free space to accommodate your yoga mat.
How should I breathe during the practice?
Breathing should be done through the nose only and never through the mouth. At all the time during practice breathe normally without holding the breath.
What are the benefits of this practice?
To build strength, stability and health.
To get rid of toxins and purify the body.
To increase focus and get rid of duality.
To be sensitivity towards self and others making us more compassionate and respectful.
To build discipline and delve deeper into the spiritual aspects of yoga.
These are only few to mention. There are many more benefits which are experienced with a consistent practice.
Why there is no practice on moon days?
It has always been the tradition in Ashtanga Yoga to rest from asana practice on new and full moon days (tithis). When asked why we shouldn’t practice on these days, Guruji Pattabhi Jois was fond of saying, “Two ‘planets’ [grahas] one place, very dangerous.” What is meant is that on these days, the sun and moon are in a line relative to the position of the earth. Consequently, the gravitational forces are combined, and the effect of these ‘planets’ are more pronounced. One definitive effect is that the ocean’s tides are higher and lower on these days. Similar, our body and it’s organs like brain, heart, lungs, etc are more than 70% water which affects the entire mind body functioning.
Why no practice during the ladies holidays (first three days of menstrual cycle) ?
During ladies holidays, the energetic forces in the body are moving downwards to help the uterus clean itself and get rid of all the unwanted fluids. So, without disturbing the body’s natural flow we take a break from the practice and give our inner body sometime to clean and effectively replenish later. So, first 3 days no practice and on the 4th and 5th day or whenever our last day of period is, we avoid inversions.
What is oil bath and how does it help in maintaining the practice?
Oil bath is a 20-30 minutes ritual of applying oil from head to toe, followed by warm shower using natural cleanser like Besan or soap nut powder, once a week preferably on Saturday or Sunday, the day you can rest for the whole day from strenuous activity to let your body and mind be completely relaxed. It helps in maintaining the practice as over a period of time when the length of practice increases, the air element(Vatta) or the heat element(Pitta) also increases inside. To balance both and let the body work smoothly, oil bath is essential.
When can I start my classes?
You can start learning this practice by getting in touch with us via call. Phone numbers are mentioned below on each page.